Long Legs In Small Spaces

5 Ways To Embrace Your Height

5 Ways To Embrace Your Height

Remember! You are unique and taller than the average person, so flaunt it!

5 Ways To Embrace Your Height

Remember! You are unique and taller than the average person, so flaunt it!

12 Affirmations For Tall Girls and Tall Women To Help Embrace Your Height

12 Affirmations For Tall Girls and Tall Women T...

Being a tall girl or tall women is a blessing, however everyone doesn't see it that way. I started WEXIST to help others embrace their height through fashion while bringing awareness to the world WEXIST!  [wee.ig.zist] To help you embrace your height here are a list of daily affirmations to boost your confidence!    1. I love being tall and I like...

12 Affirmations For Tall Girls and Tall Women T...

Being a tall girl or tall women is a blessing, however everyone doesn't see it that way. I started WEXIST to help others embrace their height through fashion while bringing awareness to the world WEXIST!  [wee.ig.zist] To help you embrace your height here are a list of daily affirmations to boost your confidence!    1. I love being tall and I like...